From Stress to Success

The Student Struggle
- Drowning in complex reading homework and essays?
- Getting B's and C's when you want to get A's?
- Feelings unprepared for your AP Lang, AP Lit, IB, or IGCSE Exam?
- Unhappy with your GPA or personal statement?
Sound familiar? You're not alone.
Master Critical Thinking and Communication with Fox Tutoring
- Learn how to truly understand complex texts.
- Become a more creative writer and advanced critical thinker.
- Communicate your ideas in clear and concise language.
- Shift from doubt to confidence when speaking and writing.

Why Fox Tutoring?
Advanced literacy skills set top-performing students apart from average students.
I can help you reach your full potential.
I have the experience: I have 10 years of experience teaching and tutoring. ​
I know the curriculum: I teach students at the top boarding and international schools worldwide.
I have the credentials: I have a BA in English from Dickinson College and a Master's Degree in Education from Johns Hopkins University. ​
Teaching is my talent: I excel at offering expert-level reading and writing instruction with enthusiasm and grit.

Hey Helen, great news! I just received my exam marks back, and I got 18/20 for the Fight Club essay, which is a 97%, IB 7. For the oral, I received 40/40, 100%! Thanks so much for your help! I don't think I could've done this without you :)
Toronto, Canada
Helen was very helpful with editing and forming my essays in a way that would make me stand out. Her attention to detail helped me notice small changes that make a big difference in the writing process. By providing examples of how my essays should be formed, Helen has made me more confident with my writing abilities.
​West Suffield, CT
I got 25/25 on my process analysis essay! Thanks so much!
I got another 25/25 on my argument essay! Thanks for your help!
Andover, PA